Lotta’s Health Academy / Health, Nutrition, Exercise, Stress Management / Herzogenaurach Germany

About ME


I am Lotta, “a 64+” Swedish health freak, living in the Nürnberg area of Germany since 1991.

Welcome to my website and my healthy lifestyle.

From being a marketing manager in Stockholm to a full-time mom in Germany to lecturer at the University and then starting my own retail business, I sometimes forgot about my well being. I have always been an ambition person, but I forgot to put my health as a high priority, simply because I didn’t know better. 

Today I am living a totally different life compared to 10 years ago, and I didn’t really know how bad I felt until I felt this good. My mission is to inspire as many of you as possible to change your lifestyle for a healthier and happier life and lower your risk of the many widespread modern diseases.

My grandpa died at 97, so I thought I had great genes, nothing could happen to my health! But genes just play a very small part, unfortunately.


The older I got, the harder my body had to work to cope with a modern western lifestyle like fake food, stress, and less exercise. After menopause, I suddenly weighed 12 Kilo too much, with slightly rising blood pressure, bad sleep patterns, sudden mood changes, and a big muffin top stomach. I realized then that I had to do something. This condition is called metabolic syndrome and could be the cause of many diseases.

It was about time to make a change.


My daughter had changed her eating habits to no sugar and no bread. I thought at the time that she was crazy, but a couple of months later, after weighing myself again, I decided to try it out.

This was the start of my lifestyle change. No more sugar and no bread. I stopped eating ice cream, cookies, and any sweetened food. I slowly lost weight. After a while I started intermittent fasting and added many more vegetables. Exercise became an everyday element in my life, including yoga, walking, and jogging.


I finally lost the 12 Kilos, but most important, I gained a fantastic life!  Now I want to share this with the world!

After experiencing how life-changing this trip has been, I finally sold my business and decided to make Being Healthy my full-time job, to teach others how to change their lifestyle and live a powerful life. My lastest achievements are receiving a Lifestyle Coach License and a Nutrition Adviser Certificate. Recently, I became a Mindfulness Intructor.

We determine our future. We have the power to transform our life. So let’s go for it!

Are you interested? Please see my Services page for more information on my health talks and workshops, or contact me to book a personal coaching session. My teachings are based on scientific research on an evolutionary and functional medicinal perspective. 

A big thanks to my daughter, Josefine, who showed me the way from the beginning. I love you.

My aim is to live and die healthy!


My inspiration and resources 

Anna Hallén Buitenhuis:   

Sanna Ehdin:  




Den Självläkande Människan, Sanna Ehdin 

Höj din Energi!, Sanna Ehdin 

Sluta Kämpa – Börja Leva, Sanna Ehdin 

FRISK.LUGN. UTVILAD. STARK Hela Livet, Benny Ottosson 

Den Metabola Pandemin, Lars Bern 

Välj Hälsa, Stig Bengmark 

Gnisselzonen, Anna Hallén 

Autoimmun Handbok, Karl Hultén & Anna-Maria Norman 

FOOD, Mark Hyman 

The Healing Self, Deepak Chopra & Rudolph E. Tanzi 

Hjärnstark, Anders Hansen 

Hälsobalansen, Dr Rangan Chatterjee 

10 år yngre på 10 veckor, Thorbjörg Hafsteinsdottir 

Hälsorevolutionen, Maria Borelius 

Bliss, Maria Borelius 

Gluten och Mjölk, Michael Håkansson 

Inflammation, Martina Johansson & Ralf Sundberg 

Food Pharmacy, Lina Nertby Aurell & Mia Clase 

Body into Balance, Maria Noel Groves 

Meditationens Hemligheter, Davidji 

Charmen med Tarmen, Giulia Enders 

Viktfällan Sluta Banta och Börja Leva, Maria Helander & Anna Hallén Buitenhuis 

Medial Läkning, Anthony William 

Mindfulness I Vardagen, Ola Schenström 


* I will always advise you to go to your Physician if you have serious health issues. I am not a doctor of any kind.